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About Us

Hello Friends,

"accessible" sells organic cotton (GOTS) panties that are designed to promote safety while getting dressed.. I have listened to fashionistas who demand better and improved panties, instead of traditional panties. I have created innovative, trendsetting, and visionary panties that prove traditional panties are outdated. These panties provide confidence, independence and dignity to your loved ones with lower-body movement impairment.

‘accessible’ is a woman owned business that was created out of a need by a pregnant mom-to-be who wanted a safer way to put on panties. Traditional panties were out dated and unsafe.  Hopping on one foot for a pregnant mom-to-be was risky. The mom-to-be could not see below her chin to know where to ‘step into’ traditional panties. Initially, the concept was created to serve maternity women.  Now, ‘Accessible’ panties reach several women in several communities.

‘accessible’ has created Organic Cotton (Global Organic Textile Standards-GOTS) panties that are innovative, trendsetting, and visionary for forward thinking women. ‘accessible’ is an inclusive company that reaches global communities.

The concept was created around 2000. Now is the time to serve others.  Now is the time to bring new, better, and improved panties that exceed the performance of traditional panties. We listened and delivered the products you had requested.

‘accessible’ products are made in the USA.  We are committed to providing USA jobs.

accessible has created Organic Cotton (GOTS) panties. Our products are made from Organic Cotton (GOTS) fabric, organic threads, organic accessories, and organic care/content labels. 

These panties are made from GOTS organic cotton because we believe in and value the following;

  1. Eco-friendly environment
  2. Social awareness
  3. Fair wages
  4. Standard labor regulations
  5. Reduce harmful chemicals
  6. Minimum pesticides

‘accessible’ was created for some of the following reasons;

  • fashionistas who demand excellence beyond traditional panties.
  • provide confidence, independence, and dignity to your loved one.
  • serve communities with lower body movement impairment.
  • serve others.
  • traditional panties are out dated.
  • Inclusive to ‘Special Needs’
  • Injured Veterans
  • Seniors
  • Maternity
  • Medical
  • Hospitals
  • Wheelchair users
  • Handicap
  • Intellectual and/or Developmental Disability (IDD)
  • Non medical conditions
  • Swimmers/Athletes
  • Skin sensitivities

All services are rendered without attention to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, veteran or disability status.